Michaela Senkova

Michaela is a qualified Foot Health Professional (S.A.C Dip.RFHP). Michaela is fully insured and DBS checked and is registered with FootReg.

As a Foot Health Practitioner Michaela focuses on the lower limbs and feet with minor ailments recognized and treated. The work of the Foot Health Practitioner (FHP) is non-invasive an include external minor surgery without injected analgesia for the treatment of ingrowing toenails or corn removal as examples of typical procedures carried out.

Assessment of the structure and condition of the lower limb and foot, all of which fall within her ability and remit of being a Foot Health Practitioner. Thus the work carried out by an FHP far exceeds the abilities of those trained simply to provide a nail-cutting service.

For further information please contact Michaela on 07471 098 685