Becca Gardner

Becca Gardner is a Certified Change Coach who specialises in helping people with any area of change. Through her own personal journey of navigating severe anxiety, Becca discovered a life-changing understanding that she now shares with others. Trained by Dr. Amy Johnson, PhD, a psychologist, coach, and author, Becca shares a groundbreaking new paradigm in mental health that has helped thousands of people around the world tap into natural health and resilience.

Becca is registered with the Association of Coaching and brings a warm, caring approach to supporting others. In a world filled with short-lived solutions and exhausting strategies, she offers a fresh approach that is deep and lasting without using willpower.

With Becca’s guidance, clients not only develop a clearer understanding of themselves but also access the resilience and clarity needed to navigate life’s challenges with confidence. Whether you are looking to try to break a habit, manage your anxiety, conquer a phobia, or simply change an element of your life, Becca invites you to reach out to her.

When she’s not coaching clients, Becca loves spending time with her family, entertaining friends, walking, and eating yummy food.

For further information, please contact Becca directly at 07812563586

via email at or visit her website

You can also find her on Dr. Amy’s Certified Change Coach Directory  –