
Reiki is a hands-off treatment helping to alleviate pain and injury, promoting a quicker healing response in the body. Reiki can also ease emotional issues, promoting a deeper sense of well being, when treatment is regular. Working on these levels, Reiki can help recipients to put right what is wrong in their lives.

Reiki is complementary to orthodox medicine treating such conditions as arthritis, migraine, eczema, asthma, allergies, back pain, depression, and stress. Reiki practice shows that these symptoms may be due to a lack of balance and blockages in the energy fields. Reiki can alleviate pain and injury and promotes a quicker healing response in the body. 

Physical aches and pains may disappear of their own accord as tense muscles being to relax.  Mental anguish and a cluttered mind diminish as you relax deeper and solutions may appear to any problems you have. Reiki treatments offer a haven of peace – a place to switch off and relax from daily cares and worry.

Treatment is done with client fully clothed.

Please contact Jacqui  – 01386 700900


Also available alternate Thursdays with Pip Morris as stand alone treatment or combined with massage

Tel: 07834 356575 Email: Website: